All gamers are no-lifers!

I’m going to let you all in on a secret of mine. You see I haven’t always been supportive of the gaming-cuture that’s developing around our generation. I used to be one of those girls that all you gamers hate, the ones that just doesn’t shut up about how much gaming sucks, ruins your life, etc.

In 8th grade-ish the guys started to be a bit more open about their gaming, and ofc all the superficial/ignorant girls (myself included) were hating on it – more than anything. They were always talking about their amazing gear, lvl this and lvl that, and urgh! Whenever someone started talking about WoW I instantly switched from whatever I was going on about, to talking trash about their meaningless lives. How they were wasting their life in front of the computer – afraid of the sun. How they could find better things to do, like make it to bed so they actually made it to school the next day.

But for some reason I went through a little bit of a “soul searching” and figured out that I wanted to change my ignorant attitude, and actually try it before hating on it. This was ofc because of my friends at the time, you see.. I changed friends during my “soul search”, and they were into gaming. I watched them raid, to battlegrounds, arena and most of all having fun. So instead of going mean-bitch on the situation, I borrowed a friend’s account, made myself a character and gave World of Warcraft a chance.

As all the other girls sitting there implying that all gamers are no-lifers, I was surprised when the game actually had meaning. It was plain overwhelming. So much Lore, skills, and features. I went from ignorant to loving in the blink of an eye. And that’s kinda why I’m here, still playing. They game still has a firm grip around me, and honestly.. I don’t want it to let go of me.

I think that I just needed to be convinced before realizing that gaming was supposed to be a big part of my life. I mean.. So many great things happens in that game, they completely make the bad experiences one might encounter once in a while worth it.

Bottom line: Girls – stop judging, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about! and guys – try to be a bit more mysterious about the gaming, make her want to know all about it and you’ve got yourself a girl gamer in a few weeks ;)


6 thoughts on “All gamers are no-lifers!

  1. Wait when did they hand out lifes for gamers. I didn’t get mine…B.S.

    Seriously Gaming is like any hobby, if you give in too much to it, other things in your life suffer. All things in moderation, my dear

  2. Always with the mystery. You know it’s really a lot of work for a non-complex being (i.e. a guy) to act all mysterious.

    Jokes aside, it’s as much a hobby as it is a lifestyle. As long as one does not suffer from doing something (moderation is good true) I see no reason as to why one should not indulge! If I had fun “wasting my time” it was definitely worth it.

    • It can’t possibly be /that/ much work, I mean, your mission is single-handed to make her curious :)
      If you had fun “wasting your time”, it wasn’t really wasted, now was it? :p

      • Always with the fun! :o My point was, and still is that you’re not wasting time playing WoW ! :D

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